
Sunday Jun 23, 2024
What Have We Learned So Far?
Sunday Jun 23, 2024
Sunday Jun 23, 2024
What Have We Learned?
Over the years of experience we share, we both believe we—nor anyone else—who teaches are never truly experts in the teaching arts. For anyone to be honest and forthright in this vocation (used rather than occupation—there is a HUGE difference), they must admit there is always more to learn, even if it is more nuanced than overt in various areas.
Over the past three years, we've had the privilege of reflecting, pausing, and learning from each other and from the insightful interviews we’ve conducted with our generous guests. This learning journey has been shared, and we're grateful for your part in it, our valued audience.
As we take a break for the summer months, we will reflect on and consider how we will proceed.
Do you have any suggestions? We would love to hear from you! Let us know your thoughts and ideas!
#EducationalPodcast #TeacherTraining #AlternativeEducationPodcast #AlternativeEducation #AltEd #TeachingandLearning #WhatHaveWeLearned #TeachingPodcast

Sunday Jun 16, 2024
Dr. Lincoln Stoller: Are Schools Relevant?
Sunday Jun 16, 2024
Sunday Jun 16, 2024
Dr. Lincoln Stoller: Are Schools Relevant?
A PhD in Quantum Physics, a Teacher, Mountaineer, Hypnotherapist, and EEG Neurofeedback Therapist - Lincoln Stoller has an incredible background. He has a Ph.D. in quantum physics, is a teacher, mountaineer, hypnotherapist, and EEG neurofeedback therapist, and was mentored by the late John Taylor Gatto, who influenced many of his views.
Today, we have the unique opportunity to tap into Dr. Stoller's wealth of knowledge and experience. He serves as a mentor, guiding us to consider alternative perspectives on education. Are we on the right path? Should there be only one path or many? What are the system's strengths and weaknesses? Or should we start from scratch?
Dr. Stoller has written several books and a blog and has a great deal to say on the subject and others. You can find more about him, as well as his contact information at:
Dr. Stoller’s Substack: https://mindstrengthbalance.substack.com/
Dr. Stoller’s Webpage: https://www.mindstrengthbalance.com/
The Learning Project: Rites of Passage (free copy) as a gift from Dr. Stoller to you.
He lives in Victoria, BC, where he continues to practice.
#DefiningEducation #ProblemsinEducation #PlayasEducation #NatureBasedEducation #LackofCreativityinEducation #TeachingCreativityinEducation #IntrinsicMotivationinEducation
#lackofintrinsicmotivationineducation #PersonalMeaninginLearning #CulturalContextinEducation #TedRobinson #LincolnStoller #SudburySchools #ChestertonsFence #SearchforMeaning #ProblemswithCompulsoryEducation #EducationasAbuse #AlternativeEducation #TeacherasMentor #ArgumentsAgainstEducation #EducationalPodcast #TeacherTraining #AltEdPodcast

Sunday Jun 09, 2024
Growing Absenteeism - Is There Hope?
Sunday Jun 09, 2024
Sunday Jun 09, 2024
The Growing Problem of Absenteeism in Schools
Understanding the reasons behind the growing issue of school absenteeism is crucial. It's a problem causing concern in schools, states, and communities. Chronic absenteeism rates are increasing, and it's essential to know why. According to the New York Times, there are various reasons—from family vacations (should kids be able to finish their work remotely?) to the need for extra income at home, illness, and other excuses.
If you’re curious about checking out your local district, click here. In the article, you'll see how your district is doing.
Statistics indicate that attendance is crucial to a student's future success. It's not just about showing up but about active engagement and participation in the school process. This is a stark reminder of the urgency of tackling the issue of absenteeism in schools.
We were pretty shocked at our findings, and still, even after recording, there is more smacking us in the face!
What’s going on?
#ChronicAbsenteeism #AbsenteeisminAmerica #Nonattendanceinschools #ImpactofAbsencesinEducation #SchoolsinCrisis #StudentEngagement #StudentInvolvement #WhyStudentsAttend #ImpactofSchoolLeaders #ImpactofTeachers #ImpactofPrincipals #StudentAchievement #AlternativeEducationPodcast #EducationalPodcast #EducationalIssues #ImpactofAbsenteeismonSchoolFinance #TeacherTraining

Sunday Jun 02, 2024
Coach Gloria Peek on Boxing and Educatiion
Sunday Jun 02, 2024
Sunday Jun 02, 2024
Coach Gloria Peek
What does boxing have to do with education, let alone alternative education? Fundamentally, they have a great deal in common.
Boxers, like all athletes and students, need to be disciplined. They also need feedback. Boxers need to set and execute their goals, like students. They also need to think quickly on their feet and learn how to move. Students also need to consider and progress. It all comes down to the fact that students and boxers need coaches/mentors/teachers who care about them and their goals as much as the students should and do. This is done through rigor, discipline, no excuses, and facing failures as learning exercises.
So, who is better to tell it like this than Coach Gloria Peek, the first female Olympic boxing coach (2012)? She works with champions in the spotlight and those students who need to hear what she says and practices most.
She developed an after-school program for students who demanded excellence. She is a tough woman with a heart of gold, though, and this week, we chat with her about her history, dreams, experiences, and “why” with students. You’ll be surprised by her ability to win everyone over with her candor and philosophy! Join us!
Coach Gloria’s Information:
Email: info@coachgloriapeek.com
#CoachGloriaPeek #GloriaPeek #CoachPeek #BoxingandEducation #Studentsasboxers #boxingstudents #coachingboxers #BoxingandAlternativeEducation #AlternativeEducationPodcast #EducationalPodcast #AltEd #TeacherTraining #CoachingSuccess #OlympicStruggle #OlympicLessonsforstudents

Sunday May 26, 2024
Are Schools to Blame for Falling Reading and Math Scores?
Sunday May 26, 2024
Sunday May 26, 2024
Falling Math & Reading Scores - Are Schools Really to Blame?
Beginning more than two decades ago, fingers have been pointed at our learning institutions, accusing them of ineffective teaching practices and not teaching our children reading, writing, and math effectively. Parents have thrown their hands up in surrender, trying to fathom the new maths articulated by the schools, and we’ve also been plagued by the beautiful gadgets and toys developed through the latest technologies that render attention spans useless. And, while schools, teachers, districts, and educational companies have worked hard and tried to develop methodologies that would enhance the student's learning experiences, they are still met with lagging scores on the assessments and rather dull and listless progress overall. So, despite all efforts (and realizing schools tend to be government programs, which are also plagued with inefficiencies) to stem the “learning loss,” the number of students unable to pass their benchmarks grows. Can we still say that it is the schools that are at fault? Or are there others, such as parents and community members, who also play a significant role in this drama?
#lackofaccountability #studentaccountability #parentalaccountability #teacheraccountability #Communityaccountability #parentsandlearning #Communityandlearning #fallingmathscores #fallingreadingscores #learningloss #learningaccountability #alternativeeducation #studentbenchmarks #lowexpectations #Teaching #AlternativeTeaching #AltEd #AlternativeEducationPodcast #TeachingandLearning #AltEdPodcast #TeacherTraining #EducationalAccountability #StudentAssessment #Studentengagement

Monday May 20, 2024
Changing Graduation Requirements
Monday May 20, 2024
Monday May 20, 2024
Changing Graduation Requirements
When our students proudly cross the stage, diploma in hand, what have they accomplished? Is it a mere testament to their 12-year attendance, or have they truly absorbed knowledge? Will they thrive beyond academia, or will they seek further enlightenment elsewhere? What, indeed, have they learned? And how can we be certain of their learning without effective assessment?
In the past, states required educators to administer tests that assessed students’ abilities and knowledge skills in core subjects at certain levels. This would allow enough time for the students and the system to catch students up, shore up their skills, and push other students further toward their goals of graduation and success in the world. But now, states are changing their platforms for determining such skills, abilities, and knowledge. In Oregon, it was decided they would not be using the assessments to determine graduation readiness during the pandemic due to learning loss and lack of access to education for many students. But leaving nothing creates a vacuum that states it’s all rather pointless. However, they brought in other systems that would make what they would determine more equitable and succinct methods of assessing those skills. Other states were doing much the same. New York brought in portfolios, among other assessments, rather than the Regent’s exams.
What was first seen as “soft racism” could genuinely be something that brings about success and evidence of learning for all students, especially at-risk students. What are your thoughts on this? And how can we adapt our education for these times?
Let us know: educationaltriage@gmail.com
#GraduationRequirements #ChangingGraduationRequirements #StudentAssessment #EffectiveAssessment #EquitableAssessment #ChangingAssessments #StudentSuccess
#EducationalPodcast #IssuesinTeaching #IssuesinEducation #AlternativeEducation #SuccessinAlternativeEducation #AltEd #StudentSuccess #TeachingPodcast #TeacherTraining #AlternativeEducationPodcast

Sunday May 12, 2024
Is Education a Cesspool of Hypocrisy?
Sunday May 12, 2024
Sunday May 12, 2024
Is Education a Cesspool of Hypocrisy?
Certain aspects of education can be quite unsettling, whether you're a teacher, parent, or student. Could it be that we're all just victims of a pervasive form of gaslighting—a term that seems to apply to almost everything these days?
This week, Philip and Tony examine the situation in which Education states it wants one thing but actually slaps it down and pushes for the opposite. Educators claim inclusion while they exclude many students who “don’t fit the mold.”
We’re also curious - what aspects do you believe are hypocritical in Education? Let us know!
#EducationHypocrisies #IsEducationHypocritical #EducationalLies #EducationalGaslighting #Teachers #TeacherTraining #EducationalPodcast #EducationPodcast #AlternativeEducationPodcsat #AltEdPodcast #TeacherPodcast

Sunday May 05, 2024
Geary Woolfolk and Before the Application
Sunday May 05, 2024
Sunday May 05, 2024
Before the Application with Geary Woolfolk
This week, we meet with Geary Woolfolk, the founder and passionate leader of Woolfolk Works in Atlanta, Georgia. Geary is a full-time IT Engineer at Travel Port, but he sets aside time outside the workplace to mentor and support youth and families pursuing post-secondary education.
Geary knows how expensive colleges, universities, and other training institutions can be. That's why he wrote the book Before the Application: How to Become the Ideal College Candidate.
We are honored to host him this week, and we talk about engaging our students, families, and teachers, in participating and working towards the goal of a free post-secondary education so they can graduate free from debt, and also be the best they can be to charge into the world as well-trained adults!
Geary Woolfolk has held a 31-year-long career as a computer engineer at Delta Airlines and Travelport, as well as being the proud father of three sons who all received full-ride academic scholarships to their respective colleges.
When he and his wife, Dedra, saw the state of the costs associated with going to college, they worked as a team and were determined to lead their sons down a path that would allow them to not pay a penny for their post-secondary education. This led to a passionate determination to help other families do the same.
He founded Woolfolk Works, where he works with students and families to follow this mission. He also works with other groups to help them work toward the same goals.
His goal is to use his mentorship and leadership experience to assist as many young people as possible towards also reaching their college admissions dreams!
His book: Before the Application: How to Become the Ideal College Candidate.
Woolfolk Works: https://www.woolfolkworks.com/#/
Email: Geary@woolfolkworks.com
#Education #GearyWoolfolk #WoolfolkWorks #BeforetheApplicationBook #StudentGoals #StudentDebt #AvoidingStudentDebt #StudentAgency #CollegeChoice #AlternativeEducation #AltEd #PostSecondaryPreparation #FamiliesandStudents #HowToBecomeASuccessfulStudent #TeacherTraining #HighSchoolCounselorTraining #Scholarship #StudentGrants #PostSecondaryTraining #EducationalPodcast #EducationPodcast #TeacherPodcast #AlterantiveEducationPodcast

Sunday Apr 28, 2024
Is Education Killing the American Dream?
Sunday Apr 28, 2024
Sunday Apr 28, 2024
Is Education Killing the American Dream?
There are so many thoughts about this topic. Defining the American Dream became the tipping point. How does the current system of academics help/deny the dream to those involved both in the instructional and learning sectors? This week, we explored, but we found more hills on top of the mountain in this adventure.
What are your thoughts? Tell us! EducationalTriage@gmail.com
What is the American Dream? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Dream
What is the purpose of secondary education? The purpose of secondary education is to provide students with a well-rounded education that prepares them for higher education or the workforce. It aims to develop their intellectual, social, and emotional skills, while also fostering critical thinking, creativity, and independence. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secondary_education
How honest is the roll out of secondary education today? Is it fulfilling its mission?
Student Debt – What is the history of? history of student debt - Market Watch
When did College Tuition Become Unaffordable?
College Cost HIstory
To calculate how much more college costs for the average student in public and private schools than it did in 1978, adjusted for inflation, we need to consider the percentage increase in tuition and fees from 1978 to 2020 and then adjust for inflation.
According to the College Board, the average published tuition, and fees (in constant 2020 dollars) for the 1978-1979 academic year were approximately:
Public four-year institutions: $3,190
Private nonprofit four-year institutions: $12,680
For the 2019-2020 academic year:
Public four-year institutions: $10,560
Private nonprofit four-year institutions: $37,650
Using these figures, we can calculate the percentage increase in tuition and fees for each sector and then adjust for inflation. Let us use the Consumer Price Index (CPI) to adjust for inflation.
First, we will calculate the percentage increase:
For public four-year institutions: Percentage increase=10,560−3,1903,190×100≈231.97%Percentage increase=3,19010,560−3,190 ×100≈231.97%
For private nonprofit four-year institutions: Percentage increase=37,650−12,68012,680×100≈196.54%Percentage increase=12,68037,650−12,680 ×100≈196.54%
Now, we will adjust these percentages for inflation using the CPI.
Let us assume the CPI in 1978 was 65.2 and in 2020 was 258.811 (these are approximate values).
Adjusted increase for public four-year institutions: Adjusted increase=231.97%×258.81165.2≈920.26%Adjusted increase=231.97%×65.2258.811 ≈920.26%
Adjusted increase for private nonprofit four-year institutions: Adjusted increase=196.54%×258.81165.2≈783.33%Adjusted increase=196.54%×65.2258.811 ≈783.33%
Now, we will apply these adjusted increases to the 1978 tuition costs to find out how much more college costs for the average student in public and private schools compared to 1978, adjusted for inflation.
For public four-year institutions: Adjusted cost=3,190× (1+9.2026) ≈$29,355Adjusted cost=3,190× (1+9.2026) ≈$29,355
For private nonprofit four-year institutions: Adjusted cost=12,680× (1+7.8333) ≈$111,062Adjusted cost=12,680× (1+7.8333) ≈$111,062
So, adjusted for inflation, the average college costs for the average student in public four-year institutions increased by approximately $26,165, and for private nonprofit four-year institutions, it increased by approximately $98,382 compared to 1978.
Are students earning enough to pay off their debt? or are we leading the lambs to slaughter in secondary education? https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/25/learning/what-students-are-saying-about-canceling-student-debt-the-secrets-to-happiness-and-reaching-summits.html
#Education #TheAmericanDream #WhatistheAmericanDream #EducationandTheAmericanDream #StudentDebt #LackofStudentAgency #ParentsandEducation #Teaching #TeachersandtheAmericanDream #TeachingtoCollege #Teachingtowhatend #AlternativeEducation #AltEd #TeacherTraining #EducationalPodcast #TeachersDiscussingTeachingIssues #TeachingPodcast #TeacherPodcast #TeachingThoughts

Sunday Apr 21, 2024
Buses and Alternative Education
Sunday Apr 21, 2024
Sunday Apr 21, 2024
Buses and Alternative Education
People have discussed the apparent link between school buses and school schedules for years. Why are the schools beginning at a particular time? Why do they end at that time? Questions parents, students, teachers, and other folks in the community pose quite often.
Well, there is a link. Students need transportation to school, but is it beneficial? Does riding the bus hinder the child’s education?
We were surprised at what we discovered!
Sage Journals, Who Takes the Bus?
Brown University/Annenberg, Do Long Bus Rides Drive Down Academic Outcomes?
ODOT statistics and rules concerning school buses.
Ed stats for 20th-century
National Statistics on School Transportation
The University of Michigan -Could riding older school buses hinder student performance?
History of school buses.
#Education #Teaching #AlternativeEducation #Students #TeachingandLearning #SchoolSchedules #Busing #SchoolBuses #SchoolsandBusSchedules #StudentTransportation #IsStudentTransportBeneficial #DoBusesHelpinEducation #DoBusesDetermineSchoolSchedules #AlternativeEducationIssues #StudentLearning #AlternativeEducationPodcast #EducationalPodcast #TeachingPodcast

Why did we create this podcast?
For years, we taught and fought for our students in a system skewed against them - and not only them but others who needed something different to find their voices and footing. They aren't less than - they simply have other needs and challenges that the mainstream cannot meet because of the high numbers and machinery that locks them into step. Alternative Education is just that- alternative and for all the other students who cannot or will not comply with being force-fed information.
We are examining the issues as well as programs that help our students as well as looking at the systems that undermine best teaching practises, as well as celebrating those that elevate them.