Sunday Apr 14, 2024
Sports and Alternative Education Students
Sunday Apr 14, 2024
Sunday Apr 14, 2024
Sports and Alternative Education
Contrary to popular belief, students in Alternative Education programs/schools have the potential to excel in school sports. However, this potential often goes untapped due to the lack of sports facilities and coaching staff unless they are part of a school or district that values their participation. Whether or not the district or the community makes these determinations, they are impactful for several reasons.
This week, we discuss how students can participate in school sports and club sports - or other venues that offer them a chance to participate and enjoy the experience, if not to shine. What are the options? What are the effects? What are the obstacles, and how can they be overcome?
Some Resources:
NCAA.org Players from high school to NCAA sports
Scholarship Satatistics-
Alternative Education League
Oregon student access to extracurricular activities:
Under represented in HS sports-Multnomah Athletic Foundation
SEED Survey-
Oregon Child Integrated data set-Students Enrolled in Oregon’s Public Alternative Education
#Education #Teaching #Coaching #AlternativeEducationOpportunities #StudentOpportunitiesinAlternativeEducation #SchoolsandAlternativeStudentAccess
#SchoolsandSports #StudentsandSports #ScholarAthletes #ParentalInvolvement #AccesstoSportsinSchools #AlternativeEducation #EducationalPodcast #AlternativeEducationPodcast #TeachingPodcast #IssuesinEducation #IssuesinSchoolSports
Sunday Apr 07, 2024
Are Teachers the New Therapists?
Sunday Apr 07, 2024
Sunday Apr 07, 2024
Are Teachers the New Therapists?
Even before the pandemic, teachers were asked to check on students’ mental health, which was a realistic request. However, since then, schools, districts, and communities have demanded that more be done in the classroom under the guidance of the classroom teachers to ensure the students are “doing well mentally.”
Teachers' roles have been demanding for years, if not decades. With faculty inclusion, there are fewer supports for them and more for the students. Administrators fail to support teachers as they continue to pile more responsibilities upon them while taking away what was thought to be reasonable respite (planning time, personal time, etc.).
So, what gives? This week we explore this unfathomable conundrum.
Edutopia-“What’s the role of the teacher in supporting student mental health”
KFF-“The Landscape of School Based Mental Health Services”
Very Well Mind
Edsource 1/4/22 “Teachers are not Therapists”
Edsource 11/14/21 “I’m a Teacher and I Can’t Live like This”
Edsurge Popdcast 4/23/23 “Why All Teachers Need Training in Mental Health and Social Work”
US Derpartment of Education , “U.S. Department of Education Announces More Than $188
Million from the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act to Support Mental Health and Student
#EducationalDilemna #Teaching #TeacherasTherapist #TeachingandMentalHealth #EducationalPodcast #AlternativeEducationPodcast #AltEdPodcast #EducationalIssues #IssuesinEducation #IssuesinAlternativeEducation #TeacherTraining #MentalHealthCrisisinSchools #MentalHealthCrisisinTeaching
Sunday Mar 17, 2024
Peer Pressure
Sunday Mar 17, 2024
Sunday Mar 17, 2024
Peer Pressure
What is Peer Pressure, and how does it work? What’s interesting about this topic is that we are all privy to its guiles and effects, but few truly understand it and how it works. The biggest question of the week is: How Can We Use Peer Pressure in Teaching? Or can we?
We discuss the implications of peer pressure, studies demonstrating its power, and how it manifests itself in classrooms and other venues—wherever people are present. Are there factors that would help students work harder? Improve achievement? Become more accountable?
What factors can we use to improve student achievement and our learning and instruction?
Venture into this territory this week as we explore.
Robbers Cave Experiment
The effects of observation in video games: how remote observation influences player experience, motivation, and behaviour
Solomon Asch Conformity Line Experiment Study
The Primal Teen
The Social Dilemna (full movie)
Stanford Prison Project
#SolomonAschConformityLineStudy #AschConformityStudy #LordoftheFlies #PeerPressure #PeerConformity #StanfordPrisonProject #BoboDollExperiment #RobbersCaveExperiment #Impactofpeersobservingperformance #videogamesandthebrain #primalteen #teenagebrain #keepingupwiththejonesesandeducation #peerpressureandlearning #peerpressureineducation #AlternativeEducation #AltEd #TeachingandLearning #Learning #Teaching #TeachingConsiderations #Education #EducationalPodcast #TeachingPodcast #AlternativeEducationPodcast #SocialSystemsinEducation #SocialRankingsandeffectsonlearning #EffectsofPeersonlearning #EffectsofPeersonSuccess
Sunday Mar 10, 2024
Lessons in Language Learning with Alexis Buschert
Sunday Mar 10, 2024
Sunday Mar 10, 2024
Lessons in Langauge Learning with Alexis Buschert
This week, we have the luxury of hosting Alexis Buschert, a World Languages Trainer, who indulges us with insights on language learning - both from the perspectives of teachers who work with students struggling to learn English in their classrooms and as students of another World Language. What prevents us from learning more rapidly? How can we create an environment that allows for language access?
Join us for this wonderful conversation as we learn much about ourselves, our students, and our world.
Let us know your thoughts at: educationaltriage@gmail.com
If you’d like to contact Alexis, you can find her at @travelthenteach (Instagram)
@srtabuschert (X - formerly Twitter)
#LanguageLearning #affectivefilter #langaugeHesitancy #LangaugeDifferences #LanguageAcquisition #LanguageAcquisitionversusLearning #LangaugeImmersion #NewLanguageSupports #TeachingSupports #AcademicLanguageLearning #EnglishLanguageLearning #SupportingLanguageLearning #FamilySupports #OutsideSupportsforLanguageLearning #RelevantLangaugeLearning #TeachingLanguage #Teaching #TeacherTraining #TeacherAwareness #TeacherSupports #LangaugeSupports #AlternativeEducation #NewcomerSupports #AltEd #EducationPodcast #AlternativeEducationPodcast #AlexisBuschert #WorldLangaugeTraining
Sunday Mar 03, 2024
The Parental Dilemna
Sunday Mar 03, 2024
Sunday Mar 03, 2024
The Parent Dilemma
Every day, there are posts about entitlements coming from parents and students. Absurd requests or demands, and apparently, these are backed by the administrators. What is a teacher to do? OR are these the exceptions to the rule? What do parents genuinely want - the vast majority and not those snarky few?
This week, we delve into parents' intentions: wants, needs, and hopes. What is it they truly want from us as teachers and educators? And is it really out of the ballpark to provide those?
As parenting styles change (attachment parenting, gentle parenting, etc), the core intent remains the same.
Come along for the discussion, and let us know your thoughts! educationaltriage@gamil.com
#ParentsandEducation #ParentalNeedsinEducation #ParentalWantsinEducation #EducationandParents #SchoolsandParents #WhatDoParentsWant #ParentingStyles #StudentSafety #ParentalSafety #ParentalInsecurities #ParentalDemands #RelationshipBetweenSchoolsandParents
#GenerationAlpha #GenAlpha #TechnologyinEducation #GenerationalEvolution #EffectsofParenting #ParentingPracticises #OversupervisionofChildren #ImpactofMediaIntrusion #FocusonFamily #ImpactofOrganizedPlay #ImpactofDisorganizedPlay #PsychologicalImpactsonLearning #EnvironmentalFactorsofGenAlpha #RaisingGenAlpha #BehaviorinEducation #ImpactofTechonSociety #HelicopterParenting #AttachmentParentingImpacts #GenerationalPreferences #StrongBondWithParents #Inclusivity #TechnologyasLifestyle #Teaching #TeacherTraining #Education #AlternativeEducation #EducationPodcast #AlternativeEducationPodcast #AltEdPodcast
Sunday Feb 25, 2024
Who Is Generation Alpha?
Sunday Feb 25, 2024
Sunday Feb 25, 2024
Who Is Generation Alpha
This week, we undergo an examination of Generation Alpha - those who were born in 2010 and beyond (thus far). These students are entering the hallowed hallways of the secondary schools, but they’ve already impacted the elementary and middle schools.
What makes them different from other generations? Well, they are the first generation to have technology always available, and for them, it’s a “light switch” moment. They have never known life without it - so it’s a given. How does that impact teaching? How does that impact learning? We delve into their relationships with parents and strive to understand what may be some exciting learning styles. So, listen in and give us your ear!
#GenerationAlpha #GenAlpha #TechnologyinEducation #GenerationalEvolution #EffectsofParenting #ParentingPracticises #OversupervisionofChildren #ImpactofMediaIntrusion #FocusonFamily #ImpactofOrganizedPlay #ImpactofDisorganizedPlay #PsychologicalImpactsonLearning #EnvironmentalFactorsofGenAlpha #RaisingGenAlpha #BehaviorinEducation #ImpactofTechonSociety #HelicopterParenting #AttachmentParentingImpacts #GenerationalPreferences #StrongBondWithParents #Inclusivity #TechnologyasLifestyle #Teaching #TeacherTraining #Education #AlternativeEducation #EducationPodcast #AlternativeEducationPodcast #AltEdPodcast
Sunday Feb 18, 2024
Blurred Lines Part 2: Critical Thinking versus Teaching to the Test
Sunday Feb 18, 2024
Sunday Feb 18, 2024
Blurred Lines Part Two: Teaching Critical Thinking v To the Test
In this week's episode, we dive into this meaty topic. Are our children being taught to excel on a test without the necessary tools of Critical Thinking? What are the differences? What are the consequences? While rote learning may be beneficial as a foundation, why are students being drilled on topics without more consequential deeper learning or thinking skills?
Questions of the week:
Are Parents Becoming Too Permissive?
What Needs to Happen To Bring Back Natural Consequences in Schools?
Resources for Critical Thinking:
EdX: Courses in Critical Thinking Skills to Incorporate into Teaching
Coursera: Courses in Critical Thinking for both Students and Teachers
Khan Academy: Provides Materials on Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills
NCTE (National Council of Teachers of English)
NCTM (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics)
Education Week
Journal of Educational Psychology
Teachers Pay Teachers
Foundation for Critical Thinking
Brookings Institution
US Department of Education
National Education Association
#CriticalThinking #TeachingCriticalThinking #TeachingSkills #Teaching #TeachingtotheTest #NuancesinTeaching #STudentsversusCriticalThinking #SocialMediaversusCriticalThinking #EffectsofSocialMedia #LiteralversusFigurativethinking #ParentalResponsibility #DigitalAddiction #TrainingZombies #EchoChamberTeaching #TEachingDiversethinking #ImpactsofSocialMedia #Impactsoflinearteaching #ImpactsofConfirmationbias #Impactsoflacofmovement #Brainprocessingan movement #Teachingtotakebreaks #Teachingaboutlimitationsinprocessing #hypocrisyintheclassroom #memorizaitonversusinternalizaiton #ImmediateSkills #LifelonglearningversusShortTermLearning #AnalyticalSkillsversusRoteLearning #TeachingAccountability #ObstaclestoCriticalThinking #DisinformationversusMisinformation SelfAwarenessinEducation #TeachingtoQuestion #EducationalDenial #AcceptanceversusCuriosity #ProblemExamination #ActiveLearningversusPassiveLearning #ActiveLearning #PassiveLearning #ActiveLearningExamples #PassiveLearningExamples #LuxuryofBeingWrong #ArroganceAgainstEducation #EngagementandDiscussion #RoteLearning #StandardizedTesting #TeachingDeeperLearning #AlternativeEducation #AltEd #Teaching #Learning #AlternativeEducationPodcast #EducationPodcast #TeachingPodcast
Tuesday Feb 13, 2024
Blurred Lines: What is Going on in Education???
Tuesday Feb 13, 2024
Tuesday Feb 13, 2024
Blurred Lines: What is Going On in Education?
This week, we delve into where many boundaries and lines have been blurred in education.
Let’s look at some facts. Who Are Paraprofessionals Digest of Education Statistics
We talk about hiring practices, qualifications, expectations, administration, learning, red flags, and othering of students. Take your pick. It’s a potpourri of issues.
#ParaProfessionals #Teachers #Administrators #Education #GrowthinParaProfessionalHiring #GrowthinEducationalAdministrators #ParaprofessionalsandTeaching #BoundariesinTeaching #ParaprofessionalsTeaching #AreParaProfessionalsTeachers #GrowthinOnlineLearning #ReductioninTeachers #TeacherRetention #BloatedEducationalAdministration #AlternativeEducation #AltEd #EducaitonPodcast #TeachingPodcast #LoweredTeachingExpectations #Whatareteachingqualifications #OtheringAlternativeStudents
#BloatingEducationAdministration #AdministrativeQualifications #SchoolBoardQualifications #ComplianceinEducation #EducationalMonies #LeadershipinEducation #DoesEducationServeStudents #DoestheEducationalSystemTeachSubjects #WhatMakesaSuccessfulEducationalSystem #WhatMakesaSuccessfulSchool #Howdoweteachfailure #cellphones #Modeling #hypocrisyintheclassroom #honestteaching
Monday Feb 05, 2024
The Intertwining of VocEd, Career & Technical Ed, and Project-Based Learning
Monday Feb 05, 2024
Monday Feb 05, 2024
The Intertwining of VocEd, Career & Technical Ed, and Project-Based Learning
During our discussions of Project-Based Learning (PBL), Career and Technical Learning (CTE), and Vocational Education (VocEd), it became pretty evident that one cannot honestly exist without the others - or the allusion to the others.
This week, we discuss using our brains as the whiteboard where we create our own concept of a Venn Diagram and how these three aspects of education honor one another while remaining separate. The entanglements are real!
And we also want to know your thoughts on the following subjects:
Are you seeing an increase in administrative recruitment in your schools? What do you believe is happening?
Should learning a second language be a requirement for students?
Let us know your thoughts! EducationalTriage@Gmail.com
#PBL #ProjectBasedLearning #CareerandTechnicalLearning #CTE #VocEd #VocationalEducation #AlternativeEducation #AltEd #AlternativeEducationPodcast #AltEdPodcast #EducadtionalPodcast #TeachingandLearning #Teaching #Education #StudentSuccess #StudentCareers #StudentLearning #StudentChoice #StudentCareerPath #TechnicalEducation #TradeSchools #CollegeChoice #Workforcefutur
Tuesday Jan 30, 2024
Bias in Grading and Assessments
Tuesday Jan 30, 2024
Tuesday Jan 30, 2024
Bias in Grading and Assessment
This week, Philip and Tony delve into biases affecting grading and assessment outcomes. Are there any assessments or grading systems that are without fault? Are there any of us who are without our own prejudgements when we score work? How do we begin to mend those systems, and ourselves? Can we? Should we?
#ReducingBiasinEducation #StudentEmpowerment #DifferentiationandIndividualizationinEducation #ImpactofDifferentiationinEducation #ImpactofIndividualizationinEducation #ContinuousImprovementinEducation #FairnessinEducationalAssessments #BiasinEducationalAssessmentandGrading #SocioEconomicBias #LinguisticBiasinEducation #GenderBiasinEducation #StereotypeGenderBiasinEducation
#ImplicitBiasinEducation #TestTakingBiasinEducation
#AccessBiasinEducation #StandardizedTesting #ObjectiveTesting #PerformancebasedAssessmes #Project-basedAssessments #AnonymousGrading #BlindAssessments #Portfolios #Rubrics
Why did we create this podcast?
For years, we taught and fought for our students in a system skewed against them - and not only them but others who needed something different to find their voices and footing. They aren't less than - they simply have other needs and challenges that the mainstream cannot meet because of the high numbers and machinery that locks them into step. Alternative Education is just that- alternative and for all the other students who cannot or will not comply with being force-fed information.
We are examining the issues as well as programs that help our students as well as looking at the systems that undermine best teaching practises, as well as celebrating those that elevate them.