Sunday Mar 05, 2023
School Scheduling and the Alt Ed Diploma
Sunday Mar 05, 2023
Sunday Mar 05, 2023
Flexible Scheduling/Alt Ed Diplomas
How are students working in their current environment? How much time do they have/need in order to create a quality product? How involved are they in working toward a goal to enhance their learning and understanding of the concepts they are undertaking? And, how does their current academic schedule allow them to succeed - or does it just exist and wave away their rights to understand better; is it in the way of their success or does it breed failure?
Looking for ways that work for the students to be better prepared and understand what they are learning shouldn’t be grounded in a lockstep schedule, but rather in a more fluid mode wherein they can find the best environment to access those concepts, materials, peers, and instructors, which will propel them further down the line.
Does this also mean that if they are given these tools they should be given some other form of diploma? Indeed, not being in the same groove as the other students in the mainstream must mean something is amiss with their learning, relevance, and capabilities - or does it demonstrate they are ready for the lessons life has once they graduate?
And, when they do graduate, what does that piece of paper they hold onto after 12 years of their lives (or 2/3 of their entire being)?
Let’s see how that discussion evolves this week!
Scheduling for Learning not Convenience
The Pros and Cons of Alternative Diplomas
#AlternativeEducation #AltEd #AlternativeEducationPodcast #AltEdPodcast #Education #Teaching #Teachers #AlternativeEducationTeachers #AltEdTeachers #AltEdTeaching #AlternativeEducationTeaching #AlternativeEducationTraining #TeacherSupport #TeacherMorale #TeachersinCrisis #EducationasHierarchy #EducationalHierarchy #EducationalSupport #EducationalTraining #EducationalInnovation #TeacherInnovation #NetworkinginEducation #CareerinEducation #EducationalAdvancement #NCLB #NoChildLeftBehind #Racetothetop #CommonCore #TeacherMorale #Educationalissues #TeachersRights #TeacherPreparation #TeacherLIcesning #TeachersasProfessionals #TeachersasParaprofessionals #Teachersasworkhorses #TeachersasPawns #TeacherRespect #TeacherDisrespect #TeachersinCrisis #TeachingProfessionOutlook #TeachinginReality #RealityofTeaching #RealityoftheClassroom #TeacherSalaries #TeachersLeaving #Metacognition #JohnFlavel #Whatislearning #Howdowelearn #Pickingupknowledge MetacognitionDevelopment #StudentOpportunitiesforLearning #Earlychildhoodlearning #insidestudentsheads #factorsthatimpactcognitivedevelopment #Traumaimpactoncognition #traumaimpactonmetacognition #impactoftechnologyondecisionmaking #impactoftechnologyonearlychildhoodlearning #impactoftechnologyonchildhooddecisionmaking #passivelearning #activelearning #studentcomplianceversusengagement #impactofoutsideexperience #impactofteachingstyle #unnaturallearning #engagingcuriosity #safelearningenvironment #safelearning #collaborativelearningsafely #usingpositivefeedbackinteaching #usingemotionallysafestrategiesinteachingfortrauma #communitylearning #PeterGrayBostonCollege #Modelingmetacogntion #metacognitionandselfregulation #studentdecisionmaking #metacognitionandbehavior #metacognitionimpactonattendance #metacognitionandstudentengagement #EngagingCuriosity #metacognitionandexecutivefunctiondisorders #HowtoLearn #HowtoThink #Howtothinkforyourself #teachingmetacognition #teachingoutsidethebox #Individualteaching #individuallearning #powerofthepivot #powerofthepivotinteaching #powerofthepivotinlearning #importanceofplayinlearning #importanceofplay #importanceofcreativity #brainbreaks #evolutionarylearning #GrowthmindsetvFixedmindset #Growthmindsetinlearning #Fixedmindsetineducation #playinlearning #howthebrainlearns #studentconfidence #buildingstudentconfidence #enhancingstudentconfidence #PositiveModelinginEducation #PositiveModelinginlearning #PositiveModelinginFailing #PositiveModelinginregulation #Useofbrainbreaks #hippocampusandlearning #regulatedlearning #subconsciouislearning #subconsciousthinking #denyinglimitationsinlearning #Studentsandchallenge #facingchallenges #sittingindiscomfortinlearning #howtomakemistakes #howtoacceptmistakes #importanceofmistakes #Acceptingnewknowledge #AlternativeEducation #AltEd #AlternativeEducationPodcast #AltEdPodcast #Education #Teaching #Teachers #AlternativeEducationTeachers #AltEdTeachers #AltEdTeaching #AlternativeEducationTeaching #AlternativeEducationTraining #TeacherSupport #TeacherMorale #TeachersinCrisis #EducationasHierarchy #EducationalHierarchy #EducationalSupport #EducationalTraining #EducationalInnovation #TeacherInnovation #NetworkinginEducation #CareerinEducation #EducationalAdvancement #NCLB #NoChildLeftBehind #Racetothetop #CommonCore #TeacherMorale #Educationalissues
#StudentVoiceinEducation #StudentVoiceinSchools #Studentsasdecisionmakers #StudentAgency #Studentscheduling #SEL #SocialEmotionalLearning #SocialEmotionalLearningforstudents #StudentRespect #StudentAgency #TeacherAgency #StudentOutcomes #EducationalRelationships #SchedulingforLearning #Scheduletothestudent #FluidScheduling #AlternativeDiplomas #AlternativeDiplomasvRegularDiplomas #AlternativevAlternateDiplomas #AlternativenotSpecialEdDiplomas #AlternativeDiplomasasEnhanced #GivingStudentsAgency #LearnerAgency #IntegratedProjects #IntergratedLearning #Teachingforthestudent #Outsidetheboxschools #Outsidetheboxteaching #outsidetheboxeducationconcepts
Sunday Feb 26, 2023
Student Voice/Disrespect in the Classroom
Sunday Feb 26, 2023
Sunday Feb 26, 2023
Student Voice/Disrespect
Consider how you’d like your students to think of their school - a prison. A factory? A Containment? A Community? A place of learning and exploration for their future? So many options, but so many are pessimistic. How do you begin to erase or dissolve those negatives and begin fostering agency, appreciation, accountability, and positive relationships? How about bringing in students to have a say in what is going on in the system that affects them directly?
Schools are not supposed to be organizations of domination, are they? I’ve known and worked with too many who do consider exactly this premise for schools - and those people tend to be rather mediocre and insecure in their relationships. Rather, if we foster a culture of community and involvement, where students have the agency to have their voices heard, we begin an evolution into how our systems can change for the better.
Without the buy-in of students, and the community, we begin to foster an “Us versus Them” mentality which is antithetical to our mission, is it not? If we bring in and listen to all student voices, then, perhaps this will bleed outside the walls and begin some of the healing that needs to occur for families and others in the community.
Having students take control and power (not complete, but they have the investment - be it through peers or themselves) can create a strong bond and relationship with the school, teachers, and others - so these growing concerns of disrespect in the classroom, the hallways, the building, the community can begin to dissipate. It can happen only if we work together.
Remember, too, schools have a 1-14% effect on student outcomes - so by bringing in the community and allowing them to be heard in a safe and respectful way, we are helping the other 86-99% of their lives indirectly.
Think about it.
Why Student Voice Matters
#AlternativeEducation #AltEd #AlternativeEducationPodcast #AltEdPodcast #Education #Teaching #Teachers #AlternativeEducationTeachers #AltEdTeachers #AltEdTeaching #AlternativeEducationTeaching #AlternativeEducationTraining #TeacherSupport #TeacherMorale #TeachersinCrisis #EducationasHierarchy #EducationalHierarchy #EducationalSupport #EducationalTraining #EducationalInnovation #TeacherInnovation #NetworkinginEducation #CareerinEducation #EducationalAdvancement #NCLB #NoChildLeftBehind #Racetothetop #CommonCore #TeacherMorale #Educationalissues #TeachersRights #TeacherPreparation #TeacherLIcesning #TeachersasProfessionals #TeachersasParaprofessionals #Teachersasworkhorses #TeachersasPawns #TeacherRespect #TeacherDisrespect #TeachersinCrisis #TeachingProfessionOutlook #TeachinginReality #RealityofTeaching #RealityoftheClassroom #TeacherSalaries #TeachersLeaving #Metacognition #JohnFlavel #Whatislearning #Howdowelearn #Pickingupknowledge MetacognitionDevelopment #StudentOpportunitiesforLearning #Earlychildhoodlearning #insidestudentsheads #factorsthatimpactcognitivedevelopment #Traumaimpactoncognition #traumaimpactonmetacognition #impactoftechnologyondecisionmaking #impactoftechnologyonearlychildhoodlearning #impactoftechnologyonchildhooddecisionmaking #passivelearning #activelearning #studentcomplianceversusengagement #impactofoutsideexperience #impactofteachingstyle #unnaturallearning #engagingcuriosity #safelearningenvironment #safelearning #collaborativelearningsafely #usingpositivefeedbackinteaching #usingemotionallysafestrategiesinteachingfortrauma #communitylearning #PeterGrayBostonCollege #Modelingmetacogntion #metacognitionandselfregulation #studentdecisionmaking #metacognitionandbehavior #metacognitionimpactonattendance #metacognitionandstudentengagement #EngagingCuriosity #metacognitionandexecutivefunctiondisorders #HowtoLearn #HowtoThink #Howtothinkforyourself #teachingmetacognition #teachingoutsidethebox #Individualteaching #individuallearning #powerofthepivot #powerofthepivotinteaching #powerofthepivotinlearning #importanceofplayinlearning #importanceofplay #importanceofcreativity #brainbreaks #evolutionarylearning #GrowthmindsetvFixedmindset #Growthmindsetinlearning #Fixedmindsetineducation #playinlearning #howthebrainlearns #studentconfidence #buildingstudentconfidence #enhancingstudentconfidence #PositiveModelinginEducation #PositiveModelinginlearning #PositiveModelinginFailing #PositiveModelinginregulation #Useofbrainbreaks #hippocampusandlearning #regulatedlearning #subconsciouislearning #subconsciousthinking #denyinglimitationsinlearning #Studentsandchallenge #facingchallenges #sittingindiscomfortinlearning #howtomakemistakes #howtoacceptmistakes #importanceofmistakes #Acceptingnewknowledge #AlternativeEducation #AltEd #AlternativeEducationPodcast #AltEdPodcast #Education #Teaching #Teachers #AlternativeEducationTeachers #AltEdTeachers #AltEdTeaching #AlternativeEducationTeaching #AlternativeEducationTraining #TeacherSupport #TeacherMorale #TeachersinCrisis #EducationasHierarchy #EducationalHierarchy #EducationalSupport #EducationalTraining #EducationalInnovation #TeacherInnovation #NetworkinginEducation #CareerinEducation #EducationalAdvancement #NCLB #NoChildLeftBehind #Racetothetop #CommonCore #TeacherMorale #Educationalissues
#StudentVoiceinEducation #StudentVoiceinSchools #Studentsasdecisionmakers #StudentAgency #Studentscheduling #SEL #SocialEmotionalLearning #SocialEmotionalLearningforstudents #StudentRespect #StudentAgency #TeacherAgency #StudentOutcomes #EducationalRelationships
Sunday Feb 19, 2023
Sleep, Students, Teachers and Learning with Dr. M. Cramer Bornemann
Sunday Feb 19, 2023
Sunday Feb 19, 2023
Sleep and Students with M Cramer Borneman MD
This week we are presented with the great knowledge and expertise of Dr. Michel Cramer Bornemann (bio below). We discuss sleep, and its impact on the child and teen, as well as the adult. This is a great opportunity for us to learn more about how important sleep is and how it might determine the efficacy of a student’s learning.
Michel A. Cramer Bornemann, MD grew up in Beaverton, Oregon where he graduated from Jesuit High School. He received a Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics and a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy at Regis University in Denver, Colorado. He received his medical degree from the University of Minnesota School of Medicine, Twin Cities. His post-medical training included completed specialty training in Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Medicine, Critical Care Medicine, and Sleep Medicine. Most of his career has been involved in academic medicine. Currently, his work is dedicated to Sleep Medicine, particularly on Parasomnias, specifically the forensic implications of violence associated with complex sleepwalking behaviors. He has been the author of over 100 medical textbook and journal
articles. He is often invited to give lectures worldwide and frequently appears in the media
including BBC, National Geographic, and Discover. Outside of Medicine, Dr. Cramer Bornemann is an avid fan of Japanese anime and manga… but is not involved with cosplay.
You may contact Dr. Cramer Bornemann at:
Or directly at: michel9626@yahoo.com
#AlternativeEducation #AltEd #AlternativeEducationPodcast #AltEdPodcast #Education #Teaching #Teachers #AlternativeEducationTeachers #AltEdTeachers #AltEdTeaching #AlternativeEducationTeaching #AlternativeEducationTraining #TeacherSupport #TeacherMorale #TeachersinCrisis #EducationasHierarchy #EducationalHierarchy #EducationalSupport #EducationalTraining #EducationalInnovation #TeacherInnovation #NetworkinginEducation #CareerinEducation #EducationalAdvancement #NCLB #NoChildLeftBehind #Racetothetop #CommonCore #TeacherMorale #Educationalissues
#StudentHealth #StudentSchedule #TeacherHealth #TeacherSchedule #SleepCoach #SleepandLearning #SleepandAdolescents #SleepandAdolesence #SleepandEfficacy #SleepandEfficacyintheClassrom #SleepandTeaching #LackofSleepinEducation #SleepandADHD #SleepandLearningDisorders #SleepandCognition #SleepandAbility #SleepPodcast #SleepHealth
Sunday Feb 12, 2023
Teachers’ Rights - Do They Really Exist?
Sunday Feb 12, 2023
Sunday Feb 12, 2023
Teachers’ Rights
Lately, we read and observe more that is being done with teachers in mind - instead, we find ourselves expecting more and more of teachers. And, like a frog in a pot, it is reaching the boiling point - there is very little energy left for the teachers - at least those I have spoken with in the past few years. Many teachers I meet after they’ve left and they have no issues telling me the reasons.
This week, we discuss what we find from the Washington Post’s OpEd piece on Teachers’ Rights, and then the two studies she uses as a basis for that article.
Here are the links to the articles:
Washington Post - The Basic Rights Teachers Don’t Have
Weishart’s The Right to Teach
The Rise and Fall of the Teaching Profession: Prestige, Interest, Preparation, and Satisfaction over the Last Half Century
#AlternativeEducation #AltEd #AlternativeEducationPodcast #AltEdPodcast #Education #Teaching #Teachers #AlternativeEducationTeachers #AltEdTeachers #AltEdTeaching #AlternativeEducationTeaching #AlternativeEducationTraining #TeacherSupport #TeacherMorale #TeachersinCrisis #EducationasHierarchy #EducationalHierarchy #EducationalSupport #EducationalTraining #EducationalInnovation #TeacherInnovation #NetworkinginEducation #CareerinEducation #EducationalAdvancement #NCLB #NoChildLeftBehind #Racetothetop #CommonCore #TeacherMorale #Educationalissues #TeachersRights #TeacherPreparation #TeacherLIcesning #TeachersasProfessionals #TeachersasParaprofessionals #Teachersasworkhorses #TeachersasPawns #TeacherRespect #TeacherDisrespect #TeachersinCrisis #TeachingProfessionOutlook #TeachinginReality #RealityofTeaching #RealityoftheClassroom #TeacherSalaries #TeachersLeaving #TeacherRecruitment #IsTeachingGoingAway #ThefutureofTeaching
Sunday Feb 05, 2023
Sunday Feb 05, 2023
What goes on Inside a Kid’s Head? Understanding Metacognition and Strategies with Liz Keable
We are pleased and honored to have Liz Keable back, again. This time we dive into aspects of Metacognition, what it means, how to go about developing it, and - of course- practicing it in the classroom. There are many moments when we realize where we are making our own mistakes, and fixing them can be so simple! But how do we handle learning equitably? How do we handle it so all students thrive?
Liz is such an impressive speaker and developer of methodologies in metacognition that I could go on for days learning from her and listening to her.
I have put her links and bio below.
You may contact Liz at:
And on LinkedIn @ https://www.linkedin.com/in/lizkeable/
Liz is a fully qualified teacher and trainer with many years of experience working with children, young people, and adults to support their learning, in both group and one-to-one situations. As a Biologist with a special interest in the brain, she initially taught Science in High Schools and has always pursued ‘brain-friendly’ ways of teaching. Liz also undertook additional training as a Hamlyn Fellow with the University of the First Age, and then with the British Academy of Advanced Training in order to employ the best teaching and learning methods available.
Specializing in Gifted and Talented Education, Liz trained further with ‘Sapere’ to deliver ‘Philosophy for Children’, and with author, Barbara Bell to deliver the Minimus Primary Latin project. During her time as an Advisory Teacher, Liz developed confidence-building ‘transition’ materials for Primary schools, trained classroom teachers to use the specialist packs provided, and carried out a successful research project to raise attainment in that sector. She has more recently supported the educational needs of vulnerable children in specialist ‘foster care’ placements, developing further ‘Learning Brain’ materials in the process.
As a Master's level trainer of adults, Liz has written and independently delivered numerous bespoke courses within the education, voluntary and business sectors, while also serving as a tutor through other education providers. She has a management qualification from the Institute of Leadership and Management and spent several years as the Development Manager for a local Parenting Strategy. Liz trained further with Parenting UK to become a ‘Trainer of Parent Educators’ and provides specialist material for parents, and the facilitators of parenting programs. Over recent years, Liz has also been supporting schools with their CPD needs for Cover Supervisors, Teaching Assistants, and Teachers.
Liz originally founded Learning Pockets UK to help learners in any situation feel more confident about their ability to succeed and has personally assisted hundreds of young people to achieve more than they or anyone else thought possible. In recognition of the fact that the internal environment of a learner’s mind is the most significant factor for both positive mental health and academic outcomes, Liz now offers; ‘Metacognition in Practice – An Integrated Approach’.
#Metacognition #JohnFlavel #Whatislearning #Howdowelearn #Pickingupknowledge MetacognitionDevelopment #StudentOpportunitiesforLearning #Earlychildhoodlearning #insidestudentsheads #factorsthatimpactcognitivedevelopment #Traumaimpactoncognition #traumaimpactonmetacognition #impactoftechnologyondecisionmaking #impactoftechnologyonearlychildhoodlearning #impactoftechnologyonchildhooddecisionmaking #passivelearning #activelearning #studentcomplianceversusengagement #impactofoutsideexperience #impactofteachingstyle #unnaturallearning #engagingcuriosity #safelearningenvironment #safelearning #collaborativelearningsafely #usingpositivefeedbackinteaching #usingemotionallysafestrategiesinteachingfortrauma #communitylearning #PeterGrayBostonCollege #Modelingmetacogntion #metacognitionandselfregulation #studentdecisionmaking #metacognitionandbehavior #metacognitionimpactonattendance #metacognitionandstudentengagement #EngagingCuriosity #metacognitionandexecutivefunctiondisorders #HowtoLearn #HowtoThink #Howtothinkforyourself #teachingmetacognition #teachingoutsidethebox #Individualteaching #individuallearning #powerofthepivot #powerofthepivotinteaching #powerofthepivotinlearning #importanceofplayinlearning #importanceofplay #importanceofcreativity #brainbreaks #evolutionarylearning #GrowthmindsetvFixedmindset #Growthmindsetinlearning #Fixedmindsetineducation #playinlearning #howthebrainlearns #studentconfidence #buildingstudentconfidence #enhancingstudentconfidence #PositiveModelinginEducation #PositiveModelinginlearning #PositiveModelinginFailing #PositiveModelinginregulation #Useofbrainbreaks #hippocampusandlearning #regulatedlearning #subconsciouislearning #subconsciousthinking #denyinglimitationsinlearning #Studentsandchallenge #facingchallenges #sittingindiscomfortinlearning #howtomakemistakes #howtoacceptmistakes #importanceofmistakes #Acceptingnewknowledge #Helpingstudentsthrive #ListeningtoStudentLearning #Engagingstudents #reengagingstudents #Loweringabsenteeism #Raisingexpectationsintheclassroom
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Equity, Districts, and Virtue Signalling
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Educational Equity and the FCPS “Scandal”
Educational equity:
Educational equity is the concept of fairness in education, which means that all students should have access to the same educational opportunities, regardless of their race, gender, ethnicity, language, disability, or socio-economic status. This includes providing resources and support to ensure that all students have the same chance to succeed in school.
This week we look at whether the intentions of #EducationalEquity are really for the benefit of the students or for the appearance of those actors. Are we walking the talk? Are we considering all students? OR are we working with the assumption that certain groups of students are worthy of sheltering and staying “safe” from the harm caused by others who do well?
The sites discussed:
Fairfax Schools Violated Students’ Civil Rights…
After reports that schools delayed telling students of awards, Va. widens probe
#AlternativeEducation #AltEd #AlternativeEducationPodcast #AltEdPodcast #Education #Teaching #Teachers #AlternativeEducationTeachers #AltEdTeachers #AltEdTeaching #AlternativeEducationTeaching #AlternativeEducationTraining #TeacherSupport #TeacherMorale #TeachersinCrisis #EducationasHierarchy #EducationalHierarchy #EducationalSupport #EducationalTraining #EducationalInnovation #TeacherInnovation #NetworkinginEducation #CareerinEducation #EducationalAdvancement #NCLB #NoChildLeftBehind #Racetothetop #CommonCore #TeacherMorale #Educationalissues #FairfaxCountyPublicSchools #FailingSuccess #HypocriticalEquity #EquityforAppearances #WhatisEducationalEquityinPractice #Shouldwecelebratesuccess #Keepingstudentsvictimsasequity #isequityaboutvictimhood #Equitywalkvtalk #EquityasVirtueSignal #VirtueSignalasEquity #Usingstudentsasvirtuesignal
Sunday Jan 29, 2023
Trauma-Aware Strategies in Alternative Education: Part 2
Sunday Jan 29, 2023
Sunday Jan 29, 2023
Trauma-Aware Strategies in Alternative Education
Wow! What a fantastic time I had with Jennifer Achari (j.achari@hdr.qut.edu.au). There is so much packed into this conversation that we needed to put it into two episodes (Episode 1 aired last week).
We worked from the books: Distressed or Deliberately Defiant and Trauma-Aware Education: essential information and guidance for educators, education sites, and education systems which I’ve linked to Amazon.
There is so much to learn, and Jennifer delightfully engages and teaches. You will find this both insightful and affirming. There are so many strategies I would like to try. Are you with me?
#AlternativeEducation #AltEd #AlternativeEducationPodcast #AltEdPodcast #Education #Teaching #Teachers #AlternativeEducationTeachers #AltEdTeachers #AltEdTeaching #AlternativeEducationTeaching #ProfessionalDevelopmentinEducation #ProfessionalDevelopmentinEd #AlternativeEducationProfessionalDevelopment #AltEdProfessionalDevelopment #ProfessionalDevelopmentforEducators #ProfessionalDevelopmentforAlternativeEducators #AlternativeEducationTraining #TeacherSupport #TrauamAwareEducation #TraumaInformedEducation #TrauamandtheBrain #Traumaandstudents #Traumaandstudentdevelopment #TraumaandLearning #ImpactofTraumaonLearning #ImpactofTraumaoneducation #LearningTrauma #TraumaImpactontheBrain #BrainPlasticity #Brainreslience #TraumaAwarenessintheclassroom #Traumaawareschool #Traumaawareteachers #LearningImpactonBrain #AdolescentTrauma #FormsofTrauma #Alternativeeductionfortraumaawareeducation #AltEdandTraumaInformedEducation #AlternativeEducationpopulationsandtrauma #AltEdpopulationsandtrauma #SafeLearningSpaces #SafeTeachers #SafeTeaching #SafeSchools #TeachingReslience #AltEdandResilience #AlternativeEducationandResilience #GrowthMIndsetandTrauma #WorkingwithtraumaandgrowthMindset #EqualizingLearning #GrowthMIndsetandTraumaAwareClassroom #EngagingTraumatisedstudents #EngagingtheTraumatisedbrain #Fromtraumatogrowthmindset #TraumaInformedStrategies #CommunicationandTrauma #Secondandthirdchancesforstudents #TraumaAwareDiscipline #TraumaInformedDiscipline #TraumaAwareStrategies #TraumaandBurnout #EducatorBurnoutandTrauma #PowerofBeing #StudentsasBeing #TeachersModelBehavior #TeachersModelRegulation #StudentsandEmotionalRegulation #FamiliesandStudentTrauma #AustrailianAlternativePrograms #TraumaInformedPodcast #TraumaAwarePodcast #GrowthMindsetStrategies
Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
ChatGPT - What is it? How can we use it?
Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
This week We Explore ChatGPT - it’s strengths and weaknesses - as well as what it is!
Music by Joseph McDade
Yes, we geek out. Philip cannot contain himself - in fact he’s all over the place with enthusiasm.
The first part of the episode we look at what ChatGPT is. And the second part we examine the uses in the classroom. See if you can keep up!
Websites: ChatGPT Homepage
What is ChatGPT and how are people using it?
There are several ways that ChatGPT, or other language models like it, can be used in the classroom to enhance learning and engagement. Here are a few examples:
Language Translation: ChatGPT can be used to assist students with language translation, which can be particularly useful for multilingual classrooms.
Essay Writing Assistance: ChatGPT can be used as a writing assistant to help students generate ideas, organize their thoughts, and improve their writing skills.
Research Assistance: ChatGPT can be used to help students find information on a variety of topics, and to assist with the formation of research questions and the organization of data.
Interactive Learning: ChatGPT can be used to create interactive learning activities, such as virtual dialogues or simulations, which can help students to better understand complex concepts.
Fun activities: ChatGPT can also be used to create fun activities like games, trivia and puzzles to keep students engaged and motivated.
Provide feedback: ChatGPT can be used to provide feedback to students on their work, such as essays, research papers, and other writing assignments, which can help them to improve their skills over time.
It is important to note that while ChatGPT can be a helpful tool in the classroom, it should not replace the role of the teacher. The teacher should always be present to guide the use of the model and to ensure that the students are gaining the most benefit from the tool.
#AlternativeEducation #AltEd #AlternativeEducationPodcast #AltEdPodcast #Education #Teaching #Teachers #AlternativeEducationTeachers #AltEdTeachers #AltEdTeaching #AlternativeEducationTeaching #ProfessionalDevelopmentinEducation #ProfessionalDevelopmentinEd #AlternativeEducationProfessionalDevelopment #AltEdProfessionalDevelopment #ProfessionalDevelopmentforEducators #ProfessionalDevelopmentforAlternativeEducators #AlternativeEducationTraining #TeacherSupport #TeachersandTech #TechandTeachers #ChatGPTandEducation #ChatGPTintheClassroom #HowtouseChatGPT #HowtouseChatGPTintheClassroom #TeachingandChatGPT #GPTZero #educationandAdaptingtoTechnology #StudentsandChatGPT #StudentResponsiblity #TechnologyandStudents #LearningAboutChatGPT
Sunday Jan 22, 2023
Trauma-Aware Strategies in the Alternative School: Part One
Sunday Jan 22, 2023
Sunday Jan 22, 2023
Trauma-Aware Strategies in Alternative Education
Wow! What a fantastic time I had with Jennifer Achari (j.achari@hdr.qut.edu.au). There is so much packed into this conversation that we needed to put it into two episodes (Episode 2 will air next week).
We worked from the books: Distressed or Deliberately Defiant and Trauma-Aware Education: essential information and guidance for educators, education sites, and education systems which I’ve linked to Amazon.
There is so much to learn, and Jennifer delightfully engages and teaches. You will find this both insightful and affirming. There are so many strategies I would like to try. Are you with me?
#AlternativeEducation #AltEd #AlternativeEducationPodcast #AltEdPodcast #Education #Teaching #Teachers #AlternativeEducationTeachers #AltEdTeachers #AltEdTeaching #AlternativeEducationTeaching #ProfessionalDevelopmentinEducation #ProfessionalDevelopmentinEd #AlternativeEducationProfessionalDevelopment #AltEdProfessionalDevelopment #ProfessionalDevelopmentforEducators #ProfessionalDevelopmentforAlternativeEducators #AlternativeEducationTraining #TeacherSupport #TrauamAwareEducation #TraumaInformedEducation #TrauamandtheBrain #Traumaandstudents #Traumaandstudentdevelopment #TraumaandLearning #ImpactofTraumaonLearning #ImpactofTraumaoneducation #LearningTrauma #TraumaImpactontheBrain #BrainPlasticity #Brainreslience #TraumaAwarenessintheclassroom #Traumaawareschool #Traumaawareteachers #LearningImpactonBrain #AdolescentTrauma #FormsofTrauma #Alternativeeductionfortraumaawareeducation #AltEdandTraumaInformedEducation #AlternativeEducationpopulationsandtrauma #AltEdpopulationsandtrauma #SafeLearningSpaces #SafeTeachers #SafeTeaching #SafeSchools #TeachingReslience #AltEdandResilience #AlternativeEducationandResilience #GrowthMIndsetandTrauma #WorkingwithtraumaandgrowthMindset #EqualizingLearning #GrowthMIndsetandTraumaAwareClassroom #EngagingTraumatisedstudents #EngagingtheTraumatisedbrain #Fromtraumatogrowthmindset #TraumaInformedStrategies #CommunicationandTrauma #Secondandthirdchancesforstudents #TraumaAwareDiscipline #TraumaInformedDiscipline #TraumaAwareStrategies #TraumaandBurnout #EducatorBurnoutandTrauma #PowerofBeing #StudentsasBeing #TeachersModelBehavior #TeachersModelRegulation #StudentsandEmotionalRegulation #FamiliesandStudentTrauma #AustrailianAlternativePrograms #TraumaInformedPodcast #TraumaAwarePodcast #GrowthMindsetStrategies
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
News News News - Why Is Education Failing? A Perspective
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Why is Education Failing? A Perspective
News News News
This middle-of-the-week episode is taking us on a discussion of vents, facts, insights, and other interesting twists that come from viewing the video: Why the Education System is Failing America? We discuss Common Core, No Child Left Behind, and Race to the Top, among other vital targets.
#AlternativeEducation #AltEd #AlternativeEducationPodcast #AltEdPodcast #Education #Teaching #Teachers #AlternativeEducationTeachers #AltEdTeachers #AltEdTeaching #AlternativeEducationTeaching #AlternativeEducationTraining #TeacherSupport #TeacherMorale #TeachersinCrisis #EducationasHierarchy #EducationalHierarchy #EducationalSupport #EducationalTraining #EducationalInnovation #TeacherInnovation #NetworkinginEducation #CareerinEducation #EducationalAdvancement #NCLB #NoChildLeftBehind #Racetothetop #CommonCore #TeacherMorale #Educationalissues
Why did we create this podcast?
For years, we taught and fought for our students in a system skewed against them - and not only them but others who needed something different to find their voices and footing. They aren't less than - they simply have other needs and challenges that the mainstream cannot meet because of the high numbers and machinery that locks them into step. Alternative Education is just that- alternative and for all the other students who cannot or will not comply with being force-fed information.
We are examining the issues as well as programs that help our students as well as looking at the systems that undermine best teaching practises, as well as celebrating those that elevate them.