Sunday Jan 15, 2023
Trauma-Aware Education with Jennifer Achari
Sunday Jan 15, 2023
Sunday Jan 15, 2023
Trauma-Aware Education with Jennifer Achari
This week we are privileged to have Jennifer Achari from the Queensland University of Technology join us. She is a treasure, full of information on Trauma Aware Education. She is a Deputy Principal at an Alternative School in Perth, Western Australia, and she is a lecturer at the University as she works toward her doctorate in Truama-Informed Education.
She is the “Protege” of Dr. Judith A. Howard, author of the book Trauma-Aware Education: Essential information and guidance for educators, education sites, and education systems (Australian Education Press, Samford Valley, 2022). Which we use as our platform today.
In this episode we focus on the brain, and how trauma affects the learning processes, as well as how the brain operates - and how brain plasticity works for our students, and, perhaps, ourselves.
Join us as we learn so much this week. And, Jennifer promises she’ll be back next week for another look into teaching strategies in the Trauma-Aware School.
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Sunday Jan 08, 2023
Cellphones, Social Media, and Students - Can We?
Sunday Jan 08, 2023
Sunday Jan 08, 2023
Cell Phones Social Media & Students
What a topic we have chosen for this week!
Let’s talk about Cell phones - why are so many students using them? Are they essential?
Is Social Media breaking down interactions? Is it actually a goodly part of the rationale we need Social Emotional Learning (SEL)?
This week we look into what some have done, and the results, and we discuss the addiction to these platforms and the devices. What are the problems they bring to the learning environment, and what is the enrichment they also bring?
#AlternativeEducation #AltEd #AlternativeEducationPodcast #AltEdPodcast #Education #Teaching #Teachers #AlternativeEducationTeachers #AltEdTeachers #AltEdTeaching #AlternativeEducationTeaching #ProfessionalDevelopmentinEducation #ProfessionalDevelopmentinEd #AlternativeEducationProfessionalDevelopment #AltEdProfessionalDevelopment #ProfessionalDevelopmentforEducators #ProfessionalDevelopmentforAlternativeEducators #AlternativeEducationTraining #TeacherSupport #Cellphonesinclassroom #Cellphonesandstudents #Cellphonesandparents #cellphonesineducation #cellphonesaseducationaltools #cellphonesasdistractions #cellphonesasweapons #bullyingoncellphones #cellphonesandclassroombullying #Socialmediaandstudents #Socialmediaandschools #Bullyingandsocialmedia #Schoolbulliesandsocialmedia #Studentsandsocialmedia #cellphonesandadoescentrelationships
#cellphonesandpurpose #socialmediaasweapon #Parentsandsocialmedia #cellphonesandparents #Schoolsandcellphones #Schoolsandsocialmedia #Learningandsocialmedia #Howsocialmediadisruptsrelationships #Howcellphonesdisruptcommunication #SELandSocialMedia #SELandCellphones #SocailEmotionalLearningandCellphones #SocialEmotionalLearningandSocialMedia #CellphoneImpactonChildren #SocialMediaImpactonChildren #CellphoneImpactonLearning #SocialMediaImpactonLearning #CellphoneBanImpactonRelationships #CellphoneBanImpactonLearning
Sunday Jan 01, 2023
Social Emotional Learning
Sunday Jan 01, 2023
Sunday Jan 01, 2023
Social Emotional Learning
Social Emotional Learning is happening across the country, whether or not you agree or not. But what is it?
It is actually something we’ve been doing for years - but now it’s more engrained, at least artificially, as schools and districts are determined to grant 30-40 minutes a week to doing SEL lessons for their students - as if this would alleviate the angst, anxiety, learning loss, and problems with relationships students are experiencing.
This week we discuss the SEL Standards, the need, and how we are already dealing with these issues in Alternative Education - and, many in the mainstream (although with greater difficulty).
Social Emotional Learning History
Social Emotional Learning Standards
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#SocialEmotionalLearning #SELinSchools #SocialEmotionalLearninginSchools #SocialEmotionalLearningDefinitions #SocialEmotionalLearningintheClassroom #SELLearning #SELintheClassroom #SELCurriculum #SocialEmotionalLearningCurriculum #SafeClassrooms #BuildingCommunityinSchools #BuildingCommunityintheClassroom #BuildingTrustinSchools #SELIssues #SELRollout #SELStandards #SocialEmotionalLearningStandards #ImpactofSEL #ImpactofSocialEmotionalLearning #CASEL #CollaborativeforAcademicSocialEmotionalLearning
Sunday Dec 18, 2022
Is Education Becoming Too Corporate?
Sunday Dec 18, 2022
Sunday Dec 18, 2022
Is Education Becoming Too Corporate?
A rather not so long ago, there was an institution called Education. This was funded by the tax dollars of the citizens in the communities. Yet, as the world and communities progressed businesses found ways to enter into agreements with the educational systems that would be profitable for not only them, but for the schools themselves - or is it really a two-way street?
This week we delve into the multi-trillion dollar structures that have invaded our schools - not benefiting the students (isn’t that what education is supposedly about?) but those at the top of the structure as well as the businesses. Who are these businesses? And how have they infiltrated? What’s going on? And What are the outcomes?
You’ll find out!
The Seven Largest For-Profit Education Companies in the World
K-12 Testing and Assessment Market by Product, Method, and Geography - Forecast and Analysis 2023-2027
Sales of K-12 Instructional Materials Soaring, New Industry Estimates Show
The Changing Textbook Industry
23 Textbook Industry Statistics, Trends and Analysis
US Industry Market - Global Analysis
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Sunday Dec 11, 2022
How Do You Do Professional Development?
Sunday Dec 11, 2022
Sunday Dec 11, 2022
All teachers are required to participate and enjoy the “benefits” of PD, or Professional Development. Required because of licensure, and moreover because of employment requirements, as well. But what IS professional development and what SHOULD it be?
This week we look at all the angles of what possibilities PD offers - both on campus and off.
Why aren’t teachers going to more conferences? Why are conferences more biased toward administrators and policy-makers rather than teachers who actually are doing the work and could use the respite, the shoring up of skills, and the coordination of networking with others in order to create a more vibrant and innovative educational structure?
How might we improve the structure? What would your input be? Tell us!
Oregon Alternative Education Conference - Monday, April 24, 2023, Salem Oregon.
Join Us!
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Sunday Dec 04, 2022
How to Build A Great Alt Ed Program/School - Program Assessment part 2
Sunday Dec 04, 2022
Sunday Dec 04, 2022
How to Build a Great Alt Ed Program/School - Program Assessment
pt 2
The National Alternative Education Association Exemplary Practises
This week we continue our discussion on Evaluations of our schools and programs. It’s surprising what we have learned through the years, but also what we find we could do better!
We can all improve, but can you find others willing to do this with you?
#AlternativeEducation #AltEd AlternativeEducationPodcast #AltEdPodcast #DiscussingAlternativeEducation #DiscussingAltEd#AlternativeEducationEvaluation #AlternativeEducationAssessment #ProgramAssessment #SchoolAssesssment #LeadershipAssessment #NAEA #NationalAlternativeEducationAssociation #NAEAExemplaryPractices #ExemplaryPracticesinAlternativeEducation #ParentalInvolvementinAlternativeEducation #AssessingParentalInvolvement #EvaluatingParentalInvolvementinAltEd #GuardianInvolvementinAlternativeEducationinAlternativeEducation #AssessingGuardianInvolvementinAltEd #EvaluatingGuardianInvolvementinAltEd
#AssesseingParentandGuardianInvolvementinEducation #CollaborationinAlternativeEducation #CollaboratinginAltEd #AssesseingCollaborationinAltEd #AssessingCollaborationinAlternativeEducation #EvaluatingCollaborationinAltEd #EvaluatingCollaborationinAltEd #EvaluatingCollaborationinEducation #EvaluatingCollaborationinSchools #ProgramEvaluationinAlternativeEducation #AssesseingProgramEvaluationinAltEd #EvaluatingProgramEvaluationsinAlternativeEducation
#AssessingSchoolCounseling #AssesseingSchoolCounselinginAltEd #EvaluatingSchoolCounselinginAlternativeEducation #SocialWorkAssessmentsinAlternativeEducation #AssessingSocialWorkinAlternativeEducation #EvaluatingSocialWorkinAltEd #EvaluatingSocialWorkinAlternativeEducation
Sunday Nov 27, 2022
Sunday Nov 27, 2022
How to Build a Great Alt Ed Program/School - Program Assessment and Evaluation pt 1
The National Alternative Education Association Exemplary Practises
How do YOU do program/school assessment? What elements are you focusing on? Can you find areas where you excel? Areas where you are surprised?
This week Philip and I talk through each of the practices and make some realizations and find understanding. We can all improve, but can you find others willing to do this with you?
#AlternativeEducation #AltEd AlternativeEducationPodcast #AltEdPodcast #DiscussingAlternativeEducation #DiscussingAltEd#AlternativeEducationEvaluation #AlternativeEducationAssessment #ProgramAssessment #SchoolAssesssment #LeadershipAssessment #NAEA #NationalAlternativeEducationAssociation #NAEAExemplaryPractices #ExemplaryPracticesinAlternativeEducation
Sunday Nov 20, 2022
Building a Great Alt Ed Program/School - Funding
Sunday Nov 20, 2022
Sunday Nov 20, 2022
Building a Great Alt Ed Program/School - Funding
This week we learn about funding, formulas, sources, and methods of how to procure monies for your program or your school. So, we have some sources for you to investigate below.
Another great source for setting things up and keeping everything in-line is the book, Creating Micro-Schools for Colorful Mismatched Kids: A Step-by-Step Process that Empowers Frustrated Parents to Innovate Education by Dr. Maureen O’Shaugnessy. She provides insights on doing all the setups and staying on track. Truly a book to keep by your side!
Funding seems to be that gigantic ogre which challenges us to think outside the boxes. This week Philip and I brainstorm ideas, as well as give ideas to some sources - be they industry, corporate, government, regional, or community-specific (meaning type of student(s) served. WE hope the resources below help you, or someone you know, to begin sourcing the monies for your program or school, or help in your endeavors to begin planning such a creature!
We also hit upon some other facets of teaching, curriculum, and our experiences in the classroom - not boring in the least! Join Us!
Kansas K-12 funding debate ends for 2022. But public school advocates ask — at what cost?
Philanthropy Roundtable K-12 Chief on Funders’ Response to Coronavirus
School Funding Issues: How Decreasing Budgets Are Impacting Student Learning and Achievement
COVID-19 and education: The lingering effects of unfinished learning
State Constitutions, School Finance Litigation, and the "Third Wave": From Equity to Adequacy
Concepts of School Finance Equity:
1970 to the Present
Alternative Education Models and Funding Mechanisms
What Are Alternative Schools and How Does the State Fund Them?
Funding Ideas for Educators
State of Washington Policy and Funding
Office of the State Superintendent of Education: Alternative Program Designation Guidance
State New Jersey Category Alternative Education for Expelled Students
Funding Guidelines and Methods State Board of Louisiana
Texas Education Association - Alternative Education
Home Illinois School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Alternative placements
This is a great guideline - https://choosetwine.com/starting-a-private-school/legal-operating-requirements/#state
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#StudentNeeds #FulfillingStudentNeeds #StudentProgramRelationships #ProgramIntegrity #MeetingStudentNeeds #MeetingWhoandWhyConnectionsinEducation #EducationalProgramStructure #StudentScheduling #StudentEquity #FundingEquity #HowtoFundAlternativeEducation
#FundingStudentNeeds #IdeasforSchoolFunding #WheretofindAlternativeEducationFunding #SchoolFundingPodcast #AlternativeSchoolFundingPodcast #ExploringAlternativeRabbitHoles
Remember to subscribe, share and give us a review.
You can also contact us at: EducationalTriage@gmail.com
Sunday Nov 13, 2022
Building a Great Alt Ed Program/School - Curriculum part 2
Sunday Nov 13, 2022
Sunday Nov 13, 2022
Building a Great Alt Ed Program/School - Curriculum part two
This week we discuss varying modes of Alternative Education Curriculum and how they worked in the classroom - as well as the “Whys” the “Hows”.
Project-Based Learning works, but not always - you cannot always expect what works for one to work for another.
Problem Solving - This, too can be effective, and there are many ways you can integrate this with project-based, writing, math, science.
How are you creating an atmosphere and environment in which students have control, interest, find relevance, and access enough to build on their skills (and improve them) for each and every student - without leaving them in the cold? This is where you need to understand your resources, and take on input from the students - they are a wealth of experience and information!
Are you doing work? Are you facilitating? Are you planning with each student in mind? What are YOU LEARNING??
Some Reading to mull over.....
Low Performing Students - Why They Fall Behind & How to Help Them Succeed
Building a Successful Alternative High School Program Through Love, High Expectations, and Restorative Education
Alternative Curriculum
Learning differences: Is an alternative curriculum for my student?
Reimagining Alternative Education Alternative education should be framed not as a last resort for ‘bad’ students but as a way to provide positive, intentional supports.
Alternative Education: Making a Difference
#AltEd #AlternativeEducation #AltEdPodcast #AlternativeEducationPodcast #BuildingAltEdPrograms #CreatingAlternativeEducationSchools #CreatingAlternativeLearning #AlternativeLearningSpaces #LearningGoals #LearningBenchmarks #MeetingLearningBenchmarks #StudentCenteredLearning
#StudentNeeds #FulfillingStudentNeeds #StudentProgramRelationships #ProgramIntegrity #MeetingStudentNeeds #MeetingWhoandWhyConnectionsinEducation #EducationalProgramStructure #StudentScheduling #StudentEquity #AlternativeCurriculum #StudentCurriculum #CreatingCurriculum #ProjectBasedCurriculum #StudentCenteredCurriculum #UniversalDesignforLearninginCurriculum #MultipleIntelligences #StudentLedCurriculum #IndependentCurriculum #TeachersPayTeachers #CurriculumDevelopment #CurriculumDesign #AlternativeDesignCurriculum #CurriculumMapping #DrPeterGray #StudentAccountability #Projectbasedlearning #ProblemBasedLearning #StudentLedLearning #StudentAutonomy #TeacherAsParticipant #TeacherLearning #StudentInput #StudentLeaders #CommunityInvolvement #StudentLedOpenHouse #StudentLeadershipinAlternativeEducation #StudentPride #StudentPrideinOwnership
#StudentReflection #CurriculumAssessment #StudentLedBookGroups #StudentLedWritingGroups #SocialMediainLearning
Sunday Nov 06, 2022
Building a Great Alt Ed Program - Curriculum part one -The How
Sunday Nov 06, 2022
Sunday Nov 06, 2022
Building a Great Alt Ed Program/School - Curriculum part one
Textbooks are wonderful for those who don’t have time to create a curriculum for themselves - despite the conundrum that they don’t really engage all students at all levels. Textbooks, in themselves, are there to serve a purpose - to have a canned curriculum that helps the conformity of the students and has them learning the same “facts and figures” as others using the same. It keeps teachers from needing extra time to develop resources and sources of information and allows for simple planning. However, Alt Ed students don’t really conform like most other students.
No, they tend to be less engaged with such texts and curricula. They need to have a purpose and a focus that engages them - so how do you create something like that? Each and every one of you has a creator inside that can be released in such a landscape. But, beginning small, and mapping things out is the wisest and best method you could use. This way you are working your way to help student engagement, success, and meeting benchmarks.
Remember, in the Alt Ed environment, if it is genuinely Alt Ed, and not a subcategory of the mainstream with the moniker - making you and the students slaves to conformity and the corporate classroom - you are the captain of the ship, and you can help steer the students to the destination of their desires - what tools they need to conquer and find their end results are all part of the journey. That’s what we have this week!
In the conversation, I bring up the following book:
The Curriculum Mapping Planner by Heidi Hayes Jacobs and Ann Johnson
I also mention these tools to help you:
Inspiration software
You should probably also exploreTeachers Pay Teachers as there are materials designed and written by teachers for teachers. Many are pure magic.
Next week Philip and I discuss Curriculum and types of designs. We hope you join us then.
Remember to subscribe, share and give us a review.
You can also contact us at: EducationalTriage@gmail.com
#AltEd #AlternativeEducation #AltEdPodcast #AlternativeEducationPodcast #BuildingAltEdPrograms #CreatingAlternativeEducationSchools #CreatingAlternativeLearning #AlternativeLearningSpaces #LearningGoals #LearningBenchmarks #MeetingLearningBenchmarks #StudentCenteredLearning
#StudentNeeds #FulfillingStudentNeeds #StudentProgramRelationships #ProgramIntegrity #MeetingStudentNeeds #MeetingWhoandWhyConnectionsinEducation #EducationalProgramStructure #StudentScheduling #StudentEquity #AlternativeCurriculum #StudentCurriculum #CreatingCurriculum #ProjectBasedCurriculum #StudentCenteredCurriculum #UniversalDesignforLearninginCurriculum #MultipleIntelligences #StudentLedCurriculum #IndependentCurriculum #TeachersPayTeachers #CurriculumDevelopment #CurriculumDesign #AlternativeDesignCurriculum #CurriculumMapping
Why did we create this podcast?
For years, we taught and fought for our students in a system skewed against them - and not only them but others who needed something different to find their voices and footing. They aren't less than - they simply have other needs and challenges that the mainstream cannot meet because of the high numbers and machinery that locks them into step. Alternative Education is just that- alternative and for all the other students who cannot or will not comply with being force-fed information.
We are examining the issues as well as programs that help our students as well as looking at the systems that undermine best teaching practises, as well as celebrating those that elevate them.